GoSokal Blog

Lunch and Learn Spotlight: Creative Services

Written by Annika Bardaxis | May 17, 2024 9:09:37 PM

This month's lunch and learn consisted of Creative Director Pete Hurdle explaining and showcasing the different aspects and departments that makeup Creative Services at Sokal. 



The Creative Services department consists of the Design Team, Production Team, and Marketing and Creative Strategy (hey that’s me!). Though these teams are under one umbrella, there are different managers and different roles that everyone takes in order to accomplish goals for our clients. These departments are also responsible for everything creative here at Sokal, from monthly eblasts specials to full-scale production spots, the in-house creative team at Sokal can achieve anything. 


During this lunch and learn each department was able to speak on their role in the process of making the creative visions come to life for a client. This was also able to demonstrate how many individual people can have a hand in one project, no matter the scale. This is also shown through various projects where items can move from Creative Strategy, to Design, to even Production, at quite a quick pace to give clients exactly what they need on a monthly cycle. The Creative Services department as a whole is able to collaborate with each other on quite a frequent basis, whether they even realize it or not, through this process!


Toward the end of the presentation, examples were given to highlight the different types of jobs that can be asked for from other departments for clients. These real-world examples showed the life cycle of these jobs and gave other departments a chance to learn how many different tasks come into play to get items where they need to be before even leaving the department. 


Pete Hurdle Director of Creative Services here at Sokal stated during the lunch and learn, “I like to say here at Sokal, we offer national quality at the local level, which sets us apart from other agencies in the industry.” 


Lunch and learns are always a great way to educate departments on what may be going on in other areas of the company. These discussions can showcase work and give others the ability to ask questions while learning more about their coworkers. This month's lunch and learn was a complete success, and if you would like to learn more about the possibility of participating in a lunch and learn reach out to your AM today!